COM HUB configuration through Traffic Web UI

Traffic Web UI enables the remote configuration of COM HUB and TRUGRD sensors


Traffic Web UI is a new browser-based user interface for COM HUB and sensor configuration. The COM HUB Sync PLC runs a web server inside the module for on-site or remote configuration. The user can connect to COM HUB Sync PLC through WIFI or a wired Ethernet interface. COM HUB Sync PLC and its web server work with one of the most common IoT protocols, Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), which make the device compatible with most cloud-based central software solutions.

The Web UI based user interface simplifies the planning and field installation of smartmicro sensors with a user-friendly step-by-step guide and can be accessed using any common browser or operating system.

Check out the short video presenting the possibilities of remote configuration through Traffic Web UI:

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