Intersection management is tricky - it involves rapid changes in traffic and various types of road users. Conventional sensors may be sufficient for detecting cars or larger objects. However - due to their limited performance, they will most likely not secure complex crossings involving bicyclists or pedestrians. For intersections experiencing increased bike traffic, a higher level of precision is crucial.
UMRR-11 Type 132 is a 77GHz radar sensor for multi-lane, multi-object tracking traffic management applications. It features 4D/UHD - an Ultra-High Definition resolution, enabling object separation based on each road user's speed, their distance to the sensor, as well as the azimuth angle. It works great for situations requiring precise detection - in-field tests have proven the sensor to be highly accurate in bike classification.
To learn more about smartmicro's sensor technology for traffic management:
-> contact our sales team at info(at),
-> ...or check the Traffic Sensor subpage here.